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Raising the Participation Age – The Government now requires young people to continue in education or training until their 18th birthday.

•    Why has this been introduced?
By staying in learning you can achieve the qualifications you need to help you succeed. There is evidence that getting qualifications at this age can help you earn more over your whole lifetime.

•    Do I have to stay at school?
No – there are many options and routes which allow you to continue in learning such as college, training or an apprenticeship.

•    Can I get a job?
This is only an option if your job involves studying for an accredited qualification. This may be as part of an apprenticeship, a work based training programme or a part time college course alongside your job.

•    Can I earn while I am learning?
Yes, for example the pay for an apprentice may start at £92.50 per week.

•    How do I find out more about my options?
There are so many different ways you can continue in learning. To find out more about all of the options open to you, come and see a Personal Adviser who can put together a career plan tailored to you.

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More information

Download our PDF guide to RPA for young people

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RPA poster 27.03.15

Download our PDF guide to RPA for Employers

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RPA Employers 2015