Send College information
Our detailed list of SEND Colleges (Independent Specialist Providers) in the Birmingham area and how they are currently operating, contact details and how they are taking applications during the current period of social distancing. Our guide will be kept up-to-date as and when things change.
SEND colleges are for young people whose needs cannot be met by the other local providers in rooms 1 and 2.
In Year 10 and have an EHCP?
Download our Year 10 Career Planning if you have an EHCP factsheet
Take a look around Victoria College
Victoria is a vibrant, specialist college for young people aged 19 to 25 years with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities and Complex Health Care needs.
Providing a bespoke curriculum including accredited personalised learning, community enrichment opportunities, creative enterprise and therapeutic health and well-being.
Exploring QAC
Queen Alexandra College (QAC) is a national residential College that supports a diverse range of student abilities and needs based in Birmingham. We welcome students who come to our College from all over the country – as well as many who are local to us. QAC makes a positive difference to the lives and learning of people with disabilities and learning difficulties, having high expectations of staff and students and being responsive, innovative and collaborative To find out more visit our website – https://www.qac.ac.uk
Heart of Birmingham Vocational College
HBVC are an independent specialist college for learners aged between 16 and 25 with special educational needs and/or autism.
At Heart of Birmingham Vocational College (HBVC) you will gain experience and new skills to help you become more independent and to prepare you for employment. You will learn through realistic, practical, hands-on activities that will increase your confidence and equip you for the future you want.
Re-imagining Potential
An introduction to Ruskin Mill Trust who also have a centre in Birmingham, Argent College

An introduction to Care First
View a presentation from Care First who help adults 16+ with learning difficulties or disabilities to live happier, healthier lives.

How to be a Vlogger and Filmmaker
Meet Isaac, 23, from Ilford, to find out more about life as a filmmaker and vlogger. Part of the Bitesize world of work series.

How to become a receptionist: Francesca's story
Working at John Lewis
A film about Disability and Work