Who can give you Careers Advice?

Birmingham Careers Service and Birmingham Virtual School are working together to offer a free, friendly support service providing careers information, advice and guidance to young people aged 14 to 19.

Explore the careers information below. Should you want to learn more,Ā  click the button below to find out the many ways you can contact us and we’ll be happy to help.


Talk to your Careers Adviser about Apprenticeships

Useful Careers tools for you

Need a simple and informative guide to those careers questions you may have? Below we have provided you with a collection of useful guides that may help you make a decision and help plan your future.Ā 

My way into the world of work. Training & Qualifications Guide

How to Write a winning CV

Entry level Jobs CV example

Career Planning - Your Three Step Plan fact-sheet

Year 10 Career Planning

Year 10 Career Planning if you have an EHCP

Career Planning Calendar For Year 11 Students fact-sheet

Career Planning Calendar - If you have an EHCP fact-sheet

Post-16 Options fact-sheet

Post-18 Options fact-sheet

Holiday Work fact-sheet

Parents/Carers fact-sheet

Building Your Skills fact-sheet

Interview hints and tips fact-sheet

Telephone interview hints and tips fact-sheet

Labour Market Information fact-sheet

What is a Careers Guidance interview fact-sheet

How to open a bank account fact-sheet

Applying for Apprenticeships fact-sheet

Preparing for a College or Training Interview fact-sheet

What is Mental Health fact-sheet

Options year career plan fact-sheet

Everything you need to know about T Levels fact-sheet

How to get your National Insurance number fact-sheet

Applying to Further Education fact-sheet